Bocce Sonoma operates under the auspices of Sonoma Sister Cities.
Please contact Micki Goedewaagen and Lourdes Sodari at boccesonomamembership@gmail.
About Bocce Sonoma
Bocce Sonoma is part of Sonoma Sister Cities Association, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization which is a member of Sister Cities International. Bocce Sonoma is run exclusively by volunteers consisting of a Leadership Board and League Representatives serving as the Governing Committee who focus on specific areas and functions of Bocce Sonoma, and who manage each playing league.
We play the age-old game at Depot Park in Sonoma, California. Bocce Ball is a game that is easy to play for most ages and skill levels. Our leagues are competitive and fun and a great way to meet new people.
Bocce Sonoma welcomes you to come down to the Depot Park bocce courts to see the game played. Our leagues play April through October, every morning at 9 A.M. and every afternoon at 4 P.M. (No league is yet scheduled Saturday afternoon).
Bocce courts are open to the public ONLY when Bocce Sonoma League play is NOT in session.
See you at the courts!
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