Current or On-Going Board or Association Projects

Lets visitor review the current or on-going project sponsored by the Board or the Association

SSCA Awards $1000 Scholarship to Jackeline Barragan

The year 2020 was a year of challenge, change, and adaptation for everyone, including our students.  While the methods and venues of learning were quite different for the students of Sonoma, their perseverance and hard work continued, and SSCA was there to once again to bestow a scholarship to the winning applicant, SVHS senior Jackeline […]

SSCA Awards $1000 Scholarship to Jackeline Barragan2021-02-16T16:40:00-08:00

A Message from the President

I would like to wish all our members and friends in the community a wonderful holiday season. 2019 is shaping up to be an amazing year and I am asking all of you to renew your SSCA membership as soon as possible. Without your support it would be difficult for SSCA to continue promoting […]

A Message from the President2018-12-19T21:47:29-08:00

The Sonoma Sister Cities Association Welcomes a New Board President and Treasurer for 2018

Sonoma Sister Cities Association (SSCA) will begin 2018 with new President George McKale.  If that name sounds familiar, it might be because he’s also Sonoma’s City Historian.  Having previously served as the SSCA Treasurer, George is familiar with SSCA and is extremely supportive of its mission.  “I am a true believer in President Eisenhower’s vision, […]

The Sonoma Sister Cities Association Welcomes a New Board President and Treasurer for 20182018-01-22T20:26:05-08:00

Save the Date – The SSCA Holiday Party is Friday, December 1st

Good news! The SSCA annual Holiday Party will be on the evening of Friday, December 1st. Click here for all the details.

Save the Date – The SSCA Holiday Party is Friday, December 1st2017-11-13T20:27:49-08:00

SSCA Board of Directors Vacancy: Position of Secetary

Effective immediately,  the SSCA Board of Directors is seeking a candidate to fill the position of Board Secretary.  The Secretary serves on the Board as a voting director and an an officer of SSCA.  Duties include providing taking minutes at the monthly board meeting, distributing minutes and agendas to the other board members, and other […]

SSCA Board of Directors Vacancy: Position of Secetary2017-10-30T12:19:11-07:00


The Sonoma Penglai Sister City Committee (SPSCC) wants to let everyone know that the kick-off of the Wine Country Chinese Legacy Project Campaign has begun.  What is the Wine Country Chinese Legacy Project?  Simply stated, it is an acknowledgement of history and an expression of gratitude which exemplifies the mission of the Sonoma Sister Cities […]


Gateway Signs Updated to Reflect All Seven Sister Cities Partnerships

On March 17, 2016, a small crowd gathered on Highway 12 in Sonoma at the north end of Traintown to witness and cheer the installation the first of two new Sonoma Sister Cities Association signs. The old signs were faded and out of date as they featured only the first four of the current […]

Gateway Signs Updated to Reflect All Seven Sister Cities Partnerships2017-04-04T20:21:42-07:00

Entering Sonoma:  Get Ready for New Signs that Designate Sonoma’s Seven Sister Cities

It’s understandable that most people who live in Sonoma don’t even see the current signs that announce that the City of Sonoma has numerous Sister City relationships around the globe. The current signs are relics that have faded in color and fallen into disrepair. They are also highly inaccurate, thanks to the City of Sonoma’s […]

Entering Sonoma:  Get Ready for New Signs that Designate Sonoma’s Seven Sister Cities2017-04-04T20:21:42-07:00
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